NixOS is the future

Although my primary computer is EndeavourOS, I’m very much becoming obsessed with NixOS.

How many of you have checked it out?

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I have yet to give NixOs a go, but have heard a lot of people raving. I may have to dip my toe in with a VM at least!

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Have not tried it, but it will certainly be a future VM for testing! Would be helpful to maybe share some guides to get started and integrate normal workflows (e.g. installing, updating, configuring, etc.) for Nix.


One of my biggest gripes with Nix is the lack of current documentation. One of the best resources I’ve found is the Vimjoyer channel on YouTube. Here’s one video to get started:


I didn’t realize the installation was so easy with a GUI installer. I figured it was like Arch when installing which is why I haven’t delved into NixOS yet.

Zero To Nix was originally put together by Wimpy, but taken over by Determinate Systems. I’ve heard it’s still a great reference, but I’m not a Nix guy myself. Yet. :smirk:

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Zero to Nix is a great resource and I used it to install the Nix package manager on my EndeavourOS machine. Doing this has allowed me to have the exact same software and configuration on both my Arch based systems and my NixOS systems.


NixOS 24.05 is here:

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Am I going to end up installing it this weekend? :slight_smile:


Let me know if you need some help.