[OSINT] Finding Apartment Address Numbering/Naming Styles

Finding Almost Legit Apartment Addresses

This tip will go along side with Michael Bazzell’s guidance on finding addresses that appear legit. I noticed that Newegg helps you find your address while inputting it into the shipping fields. This address search provides a great deal of insight into different addresses, namely for apartments.

  1. Go to https://www.newegg.com/

  2. Add a random item to your cart

  3. Proceed to checkout

  4. In the Shipping Address, input an address you’d like to learn about (Ex. Park Towers South, 315 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019)

Screenshot from 2024-07-09 09-50-56

You will be able to see the apartments naming/number style. This will allow you to easily figure out what to put for a almost legit address. In this example, I could use “5L” or find the top floor and add 1 to it.

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It’s wild, I know they do this to make it easier for people to enter their address and streamlines the checkout process but they probably had no idea they’re essentially doxing building information at the same time…